November 2024
With the ongoing European Cyber Security Month in October, experts are drawing attention to the need to change the culture of perception of cybersecurity – from individuals to businesses to government institutions. Almost 3/4 of attacks are motivated by financial issues, but we are also threatened by digital stress. Mária Krahulecová from Qubit Conference® advises on how to recognize threats and what to watch out for on social networks.
Experts warn that the cost of cybercrime could reach an unimaginable $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, underscoring the need for robust security strategies and cybersecurity education. According to the Data Breach Investigations Report (2020), up to 71% of all cyberattacks are motivated by a financial issue. These attacks can include the theft of personal information, intellectual property, and even espionage."The issue of cybersecurity concerns everyone, whether it is an entrepreneur or an individual, and includes the protection of phones, computers, creating passwords, ways of storing and not sharing access," explains Mária Krahulecová, co-founder of Qubit Conference®. Obviously, a lack of education in this field can have serious consequences, especially for those who are not tech-savvy.
Current topics, top speakers, the possibility of networking, flawless organization and a pleasant autumn atmosphere of the picturesque Demänovská valley NA Qubit Conference® ... AND DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER AND ENSURE YOUR PARTICIPATION, THIS OCTOBER from 13th to 14th AT Wellness Hotel Chopok.
August 2023
Improve cyber security in your company with financial support of up to EUR 15,000 from the digital transformation, the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Slovak Republic. You can submit your application from August 14th 2023... (read more HERE )
On Tuesday, July 25, 2023, in Bratislava, at the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, we went through the process of the National Cluster Performance Assessment (Národné hodnotenie výkonnosti klastrov), where the Cyber Security Cluster was included in the "advanced cluster" category. Thank you for a pleasant afternoon at SIEA and we look forward to further challenges in the future.
1. Národná klastrová konferencia
V Košiciach sa konala 1. Národná klastrová konferencia, kde sa zúčastnili členovia Clustra Kybernetickej Bezpečnosti a dostali možnosť stretnúť sa a nadviazať nové obchodné vzťahy s partnermi nielen zo slovenských, ale i ukrajinských a európskych klastrov. Toto podujatie pod záštitou Únie klastrov Slovenska v úzkej spolupráci so Slovenskou inovačnou a energetickou agentúrou bolo vnímané ako veľký krok k pozitívnemu vnímaniu klastrov ako dôležitých partnerov v rozvoji hospodárstva na Slovensku naprieč všetkými odvetviami.
…a veríme, že počet podujatí na podporu klastrov bude narastať.
a ako bolo ...
KEDY: 21.3.2023, 09:00 - 12:00 hod.
KDE: Národné podnikateľské centrum Trenčín, Soblahovská 6688, 911 01 Trenčín
V kybernetickej bezpečnosti platí „lepšia štipka prevencie, ako vrece nápravných opatrení“. Vynovená smernica NIS2 so sebou prináša zodpovednosť vrcholového manažmentu za zavedenie bezpečnostných opatrení, ich dodržiavanie a školenia zamestnancov i manažmentu. Stredné podniky ako nové povinné osoby sa musia pripraviť na rozšírenie pôsobnosti zákonných povinností a rozsahu auditu v kybernetickej bezpečnosti.
Bližšie info a registrácia: Registrácia - Nové povinnosti v kybernetickej bezpečnosti
Workshop Clustra Kybernetickej Bezpečnosti
Ako čeliť kritickým výzvam a zaistiť si bezpečnú digitálnu budúcnosť zistí 9. a 10. novembra 2022 viac ako 200 účastníkov na 2. ročníku Qubit konferencie Tatry. Programová komisia aj tento rok zostavila zoznam prednášajúcich a prezentovaných tém na najvyššej profesionálnej a kvalitatívnej úrovni s cieľom naplniť očakávania a vízie pre budúcnosť informačnej a kybernetickej bezpečnosti.
37 profesionálov z Qubit komunity predstaví aktuálne trendy v oblastiach ako napr. cloudová bezpečnosť, nepredvídateľné situácie a riešenie bezpečnostných incidentov, nové dimenzie informačnej bezpečnosti, optimálnej bezpečnostnej architektúry, chýbať nebudú ani atraktívne školenia a tradičné klubové stretnutia (CISO Club, Audit Club a DPO Club).
„Teší nás, že aj tento rok sa nám podarilo nadviazať na úspešné minuloročné podujatie a prinesieme do prostredia Demänovskej doliny nové cenné informácie a podnety v podaní najlepších inovátorov z oblasti kybernetickej bezpečnosti. Naším cieľom je vytvorenie otvoreného a produktívneho priestoru na diskusiu, ktorá sa nesie v priateľskom duchu komunity. Ďakujeme všetkým našim rečníkom, partnerom a sponzorom, ktorí podporili Qubit Tatry 2022 a rovnako už môžeme prezradiť, že pripravujeme 10. ročník konferencie Praha 2023,“ uvádza Mária Krahulecová, konateľka a spoluzakladateľka spoločnosti QuBit Security.
Viac informácií nájdete na webovej stránke:
Dokážame „my narodení do technologického obdobia“ pri našej dennodennej práci s počítačom alebo smartfónom identifikovať HROZBY? Častokrát nie... skúsme sa však pozastaviť a zamyslieť nad tým ako sú na tom naši SENIORI a riziká, ktorým môžu byť vystavení.
Jaroslav Oster z OZ Preventista sa venuje tejto aktuálnej téme v rozhlasovej relácii rádia Fit Family
Portál vznikol ako projekt, ktorý má šíriť posolstvo prevencie IT kriminality a prispieť ku osvete informačnej bezpečnosti. Jeho zámerom je poskytnúť platformu pre výmenu skúseností s praktickou realizáciou preventívneho pôsobenia na všetkých úrovniach spoločenského života.
After last year's successful event, you can already look forward to the 2nd edition of the Qubit Tatry 2022 conference.
Interesting speakers and panel discussions, sharing of practical experience of professionals in the field of information and cyber security, interactive training, club meetings and popular networking await you on November 2022 at the Grand Jasná Hotel.
Come and share valuable knowledge and experience in the area of development, current regulations and trends in IT security and digital transformation, taking into account the key ways of managing organizations.
Do not miss:
Inspirational panel discussions and presentations by leading speakers
5 main topics - cloud security, AI and new dimensions of information security, unpredictable incidents or security architecture
Original training in a fun way
3 club meetings - CISO, Audit and DPO Club
Popular networking events and VIP reception
Take part in the Qubit Tatry 2022 conference and don't miss a unique opportunity for education, presentation of your company and establishment of new partnership and professional relationships on the Slovak and Czech cybersec market. Register your participation in the event today.
Registration link:
USE Code for 12% off when you sign up Qt22Cluster12
The mission of Qubit Conferences is to build a professional community of experts in the cyber security industry through networking and partnerships through highly professional educational events characterized by an expert approach and a friendly atmosphere.
The company MONET+, a.s. and the Cyber Security Cluster invite you to a free virtual conference on the new EU cyber security directive - NIS 2.
Find out everything about the new EU directive, which thousands of Slovak organizations will have to comply with.
Next year, the European directive NIS 2 will enter into force, which determines new rules for dealing with cyber security inside organizations. Thousands of public entities and private companies will have to comply with this directive.
Register for a free virtual conference that will help you navigate the new European legislation. On it, you will learn important information that will help you comply with this regulation and secure your organization.
The NIS 2 online conference takes place on Thursday, October 13, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Registration and participation are free.
Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity and register in time at
Program and topics:
• 9:00–9:10 | Opening word, beginning
• 9:10–9:30 | Directive NIS2 – evolution or revolution?, National Cyber Security Center SK-CERT
• 9:30–9:50 | European Cyber Security Community, Cyber Security Competence and Certification Center
• 9:50–10:10 | How Slovakia approached the cybersecurity audit, the Cybersecurity Competence and Certification Center
• 10:10–10:30 | The most frequent errors in the security of organizations, ProID
• 10:30–10:40 | Short break
• 10:40–11:00 | Are you ready for a cyber attack?, Check Point Software Technologies
• 11:00–11:20 | Security of sensitive data on end devices, Safetica
• 11:20–11:40 | How a ransomware attack works, Alinet CZ
• 11:40–12:00 | Final discussion
Final drawing: At the end of the event, we will draw a winner of an iPhone from all participants.
We are pleased to welcome our new members:
Clico, s.r.o.- our mission and ambition is to offer best in their class products in scope of security, networking and management along with best technical and sales support.
DELTECH, a.s. - the company s made up of a team of specialists who have been creating an ever more modern and safer world for three decades now. We bring solutions in the area of comprehensive High Voltage and Low Voltage electrical installation and technical protection of objects.
All cluster members are looking forward our cooperation.
PS: secures your files and communication with the most advanced encryption system available in the market. Combining symmetric AES and asymmetric ECC encryption makes your calls and chat messages completely private. Your photos, files and passwords deserve just as much privacy as your communication, would you agree?
...for more information visit our website
Let me inform you that our address has changed:
Cluster Kybernetickej Bezpečnosti
Školská 10/119
031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš
Comeback ... back to the roots
Our team spent yesterday a day full of nostalgic moments. Representatives of AXENTA s.r.o. - Ing. Peter Jankovský and Aliga s.r.o. - Ing. Martin Sutak, PhD. returned to the Secondary Vocational School of Electrical Engineering in Liptovský Hrádok (SOŠE LH), from which they came out more than a decade ago. This time it was the position of teachers, not students.
AXENTA s.r.o. belongs to the top in the field of cyber security in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Based on the cooperation between the Secondary Vocational School of Electrical Engineering in Liptovský Hrádok (SOŠE LH) and CKB, we initiated a discussion to add the subject "Cyber Security" to the curriculum.
We still feel the lack of professionals in this area on the market and therefore we want to stimulate the interest of young and promising students that gradates at SOŠE LH to continue their studies at universities in this area after finishing secondary education. Members of the Cybersecurity Cluster, as practitioners, will acquaint students with legal, procedural and technical requirements throughout the school year as a necessary part of information and cyber security education. In addition to full-time teaching, where they are in direct contact with specialists, students also have at their disposal a textbook of information security from the authors (Oster, Zeman, Blšák, Chromek), said Ing. Ján Lichvár, Chairman of the Cybersecurity Cluster.
We are proud to announce that we moved again one step forward. We have successfully presented The Cyber Security Clustser and from August 13th is our profile as one of the few clusters in the Slovak Republic published on the platform "ECCP" European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
Click on the link below to see the details:
We attended the second cluster meeting at the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency in preparation for ESCA certification. and
Working meeting of members, AXENTA s.r.o., LDcentrum Computers s.r.o. and IT-TECH, s.r.o. to prepare a workshop for cities and towns , the topic of which will be innovation in the field of cybersecurity, information systems of public administration.
Working meeting of members, AXENTA s.r.o. and Aliga s.r.o. in order to prepare the basis for a solution in the field of cybersecurity IoT and SCADA/ICS for industrial enterprises with a focus on metallurgy.
We would like to thank to the cities and municipalities for participating in The 1st Webinar focused on fulfilling the obligations of the Act on Cyber Security and the Act on Information Technologies of Public Administration. Many thanks also go to the representative of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Investment and Informatization, a member of the cluster and the organizer, Consulting & Education Partners, s.r.o.
We attended a cluster meeting at the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency in preparation for ESCA certification.
Cluster CyberSecurity was a partner of the online conference SecTec Security Day 2020. You can read watch the footage from the conference HERE:
Working meeting of members, AXENTA s.r.o. and Salutis Systems, a.s., BELL TEC, a. s to address the services of data encryption services for telecommunications operators.
In cooperation with the Association of Water Companies, we organized The 3rd Workshop for Water Companies operating in the Slovak Republic. The topic of the workshop was professional guidance for information classification and categorization of networks and information systems.
In cooperation with MH management, a.s. we organized a Workshop for District Heating Companies to fulfill the obligations of Act no. 69/2018 on cyber security.
Conference "CyberSecurity" in Bratislava on 15.10.2019
In cooperation with the Association of Water Companies, we organized The 2nd Workshop, the aim of which was to evaluate the outputs of the 1st workshop and focus on solutions arising from the NBU Decree No. 362. These were presented by the director of the National Center for Cyber Security SK-CERT, Mr. Mgr. Rastislav Janota.
We organized The 2nd Conference of the Cluster of Cyber Security in cooperation with the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Investment and Informatization, where security solutions and a case study for fulfilling the obligations of the Act and cyber security for basic service operators were presented.
Meeting of the president of CyberSecurity Cluster with the authors of the publication "Cybersecurity Law Comment", preview HERE:
Presentation of CyberSecurity Cluster and its members on the campus of the Secondary School of Electrical Engineering in Liptovsky Hrádok, with the theme of the possibility of dual education of students and familiarity with state-of-the-art products and innovative methods in the field of cybersecurity.
In cooperation with the Association of Water Companies, we organized The 1st Workshop on the topic of fulfilling obligations and meeting deadlines related to Act no. 69/2018 Coll. on cyber security.
We organized The 1st Conference of the Cluster of Cyber Security, that took place in Bratislava, in cooperation with the National Security Office, the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The topic of the conference was the transposition of NIS into Slovak legislation and the presentation of security solutions that were built and are successfully operated in the Czech Republic. These solutions can help operators of essential services in the Slovak Republic to fulfill their obligations related to Act 69/2018 on cyber security.
For local goverments
Webinar - questions and answers
Informacny list CKB